This is the blog for, the art site of Ryan Callis. Here is where I post about influences, and the stories behind my art. To see the art that this blog refers to, visit

Friday, November 2, 2007

nbm and boc for rc

I am really bad at keeping up on my blog, but in honor of national blogger month in nov. where one is to blog every day for the whole month i say, Okay (thanks Jen). So today I went to the OCMA to see the Birth of the Cool show. YES!! it was amazing. The most beautiful, crunchy, playful, generous, paintings in town. I am a huge hard edge abstraction fan so I am biased since 2 of my favorite painters (Karl and Fred) were in the show with two other high rankers as well (John and Lorser). Go see it and read Christopher Knights review of it for the Times.
ALSO, I get to give an hour lecture on these guys at the museum in December which is mas exciting. That makes me a college art professor, lecturer, practicing (and selling) artist, soo, umm, why am I still so broke? Huh, God has a good sense of humor.

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