This is the blog for, the art site of Ryan Callis. Here is where I post about influences, and the stories behind my art. To see the art that this blog refers to, visit

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Our next salon is upon us. The last one was by far the best thing (call it an art piece, event, etc.) that I have ever orchestrated. It was amazing. Hopefully this month will be as good or better. Brother Evan apRoberts is going to be the artist, and art critic, writer, theater critic, James Scarborough will be the lecturer. Brother Chris is taking care of the musician and reader, so I look forward to them. I know on my end that I love Evan's art. We did our mfa show together and his band, Madeline Flash is epic. James has written for Artforum, and Flash Art among others, and taught at fucking Berkeley, and has an awesome blog, which you can link off of mine, and is a good buddy and funny as shit. I am stoked.
Come, you are all welcome.

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